Wild Rainbows and The Dark Side
Well, Lance and I finally found one. One of those elusive streams in south central Alaska where rainbows live unmolested by the hordes of seasonal anglers chasing salmon, thrashing the water into froth. Just us, wild fish, and quiet. OK, there were tons of mosquitoes and flies, and lots of bear sign as well. But most […]
Russian River – July 6, 2013
The early run of sockeyes has wound down, and the late run hasn’t started yet. It’s my favorite time to be on the Russian River. Water levels have dropped over 9″ in the last three weeks, and Lance & I were hoping that there would be some hungry trout in the river now that salmon […]
Russian River Salmon Trip – June 19th
We decided after our season opener trip that we needed to make another trek south to the Russian River to try and re-shoot some underwater footage of the salmon at the confluence. But, since we were traveling that far anyway, we’d take our heavier rods and leave early; hoping to catch some of the sockeyes […]
Sockeye Salmon at the Sanctuary
Lance, Dennis, and I all have GoPros this year. (I know, like we need more toys to keep us busy.) But we decided that since they are designed to be used underwater that we should try to photograph the salmon that congregate in at the confluence of the Russian and Kenai Rivers. Since the area […]
Kenai River Portage
This adventure (or mis-adventure) was mention in my post about our three day fishing trip on the Kenai River this June. Since I had the new GoPro mounted on the pontoon railings I had the opportunity to capture footage that will save this moment (actually two hours) forever. I hope you enjoy, please share. Rich
Fishing Opener Trip
Kenai River Opener: June 11th – 13th As we have for the last few years; Lance, Dennis, & I took three days at the beginning of the season opener to float fish the Kenai River. The campground is in Cooper Landing, right on the river. Actually, it’s our campsites that are right next to the […]
A Very Bad Thing at the Best Possible Moment – a safety message and a warning
Occasionally I think I lead a charmed life. Not so much for the fame & fortune I’ve avoided, but for things that happen in my life that convince me that Karma, Guardian Angels, and River/Fish Gods are entities that you should never take lightly. Also, that safety first is a great policy to live […]
Talkeetna River Trip
Finally… a day of fishing! Our first trip out was about 10 days later than normal this year. The water levels on the Talkeetna River stayed very low due to a cold spring, and when they did come up enough to get a jet boat upstream, it was a matter of juggling three different […]
Hevi-Beads 2013 Test Run …
This Spring at the Great Alaska Sportsman’s Show I watched a demo for a product being sold through Mountain View Sports called Hevi-Beads. Back too them in a minute… Now anyone who knows me very well knows that Rich and I have not been great fans of the practice of using beads for trout despite […]