Archive for the ‘video’ Category
Indie Alaska and Pudge Kleinkauf
Indie Alaska is one of the production arms of Alaska Public Media and they do a great series of short videos about people who help make Alaska the unique place that it is (Real Alaska, not Reality Alaska as portrayed on the cable channels…)
This episode is about one of the pillars of our fly fishing community – Pudge Kleinkauf. Check it out. You’ll like it…
Fly Fishing is a Joke
The IFFF shared this video, which is about three years old, through FaceBook this week. So on a mid-April morning, when fishing is not quite available to us Alaskans, but almost; I watched Henry Harrison’s film over my first cup of coffee. As I wasn’t really sure what to expect, given the title, I watched with as open of a mind as an “older” fly fisher can have. I think he got it right; fly fishing is a joke. I know this to be true because I am smiling.
Fly Fishing is a Joke from Henry Harrison on Vimeo.
New Catch Magazine available!
One of our favorite e-magazines – Catch Magazine – has a new issue available online! Some of the best Fly Fishing, photography, and videos available! Worth every penny of the subscription cost!
This is a BIG issue. Really, really packed with great photography and video. Get it here!!!!
Photo by Pasi Visakivi
Fly fishermen? Obsessed? Tell me it isn’t so!
Well, I guess we are. To one degree or another we all get that way. Here’s a trailer for a new film by Mountain Made Media that you may enjoy that talks about this very problem. His obsession is big Brown Trout but that can be extrapolated to whatever YOU fish for. Feed the Obsession!
Obsession Trailer – Fly Fishing for Big Brown Trout in Oregon from Mountain Made Media on Vimeo.
Another trailer from this year’s upcoming F3T –
Tributaries Fly Fishing Film Trailer #1
from RC Cone Plus 6 days ago All Audiences
AVAILABLE NOW – – Starting at $4.
Fly fishing is a powerful current that unifies an even stronger worldwide community.
Tributaries is a journey to uncover the commonality among different cultures, people and water. It explores the contrasting experiences of three diverse guides — a Bahamian flats-drifter, a Patagonian trout bum and a Viking-blooded Icelander.
Watch three characters’ stories merge into one: a tribute to the world’s water.
Tributaries Fly Fishing Film Trailer #1 from RC Cone on Vimeo.
Russian River Salmon Trip – June 19th
We decided after our season opener trip that we needed to make another trek south to the Russian River to try and re-shoot some underwater footage of the salmon at the confluence. But, since we were traveling that far anyway, we’d take our heavier rods and leave early; hoping to catch some of the sockeyes that were moving into the river. It was supposed to be about the peak of the run, and given that it was going to a Wednesday, we thought we’d have less combat fishing and quality time on the river. Well, you know fishing … in Tuesday’s paper it was announced that ADF&G was going to open the Sanctuary (confluence) at 8:00AM Wednesday. Read the rest of this entry »
Sockeye salmon at the Sanctuary
Lance, Dennis, and I all have GoPros this year. (I know, like we need more toys to keep us busy.) But we decided that since they are designed to be used underwater that we should try to photograph the salmon that congregate in at the confluence of the Russian and Kenai Rivers. Since the area is closed to fishing, the fish are, for the most part, undisturbed and behave naturally. This includes running very close to the shore line and in relativity clear water (as you will soon see). This blended video is our first attempt at capturing these fish in their natural environment. Unfortunately, ADF&G opened the Sanctuary to fishing the day we were planning our second attempt; now we’ll have to wait until next year.
But check back, this stuff is way too cool not to do again.
Kenai River Portage
This adventure (or mis-adventure) was mention in my post about our three day fishing trip on the Kenai River this June. Since I had the new GoPro mounted on the pontoon railings I had the opportunity to capture footage that will save this moment (actually two hours) forever.
I hope you enjoy, please share.
Talkeetna River Musings…
This Spring at the Great Alaska Sportsman’s Show I watched a demo for a product being sold through Mountain View Sports called Hevi-Beads. Back too them in a minute…
Now anyone who knows me very well knows that Rich and I have not been great fans of the practice of using beads for trout despite their undeniable effectiveness. They just didn’t seem to be flies to us. So a couple of years ago we set out on a quest to come up with a way to fish beads – with the ability to make quick changes – and we came up with the Select-A-Bead system. A fly with a plastic tag that could be threaded through the bead (or two) and allow you to fish it like a bead head. We’ve tried them in a variety of patterns from standard eggs through Wooly Buggers and Bunny flies to Sculpins. Sometimes they work sometimes they don’t. We had days where they outfished everything else in the box and days where they didn’t catch a thing but regular beads on the line above a bare hook caught many. It was very frustrating. Read the rest of this entry »
Fish for Tarpon from a Float Tube!
Fishing for Tarpon from a float tube…
Nuts, maybe, but we approve of this! Next summer we’re thinking of going out for Salmon sharks in ours… Let’s dangle our legs in the water around something thata can bite back!!
Tapâm – a flyfishing journey from tapamthemovie on Vimeo.
“Fly Fishing in Salt Waters” started this. Read the whole story HERE.
Jack’s Knot – A simple Tippet to Hook Strong Knot
A simple to tie strong knot for tippet to hook eye connections. Try it! You’ll Like iT!
Jack’s Knot – line to hook knot used primarily to tie tippet to a hook for fishing. from Jonathan Palmer on Vimeo.